Our Distillery was inspired by one of nature’s great wonders, the Porcupine Bank. Situated approximately 120 miles off the West coast of Ireland on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.
The name of the bank comes from a research vessel called ‘Porcupine’ that discovered them in 1862. The M.V. Porcupine was a sail and paddlewheel used mainly for surveying the oceans.
The wild, rugged and beautiful land around the Wild Atlantic Distillery nurtures the perfect conditions for creating and ageing our traditionally crafted Irish whiskey. The Atlantic Ocean provides the seaweed for our unique and distinctive gin.
Contact details
Wild Atlantic Distillery
20 Trienamongan Road
County Tyrone
Northern Ireland
T: 028 9600 2525
E: info@wildatlanticdistillery.ie
W: www.wildatlanticdistillery.ie