Nestled in the heart of Sussex by the sea, at Murray & Yeatman, we pride ourselves in the clarity and flavour of our spirits, our meticulous selection of raw ingredients and botanicals combined with the scrutiny of each process may take longer but somethings just can’t be rushed.
Uniting fermentation and distilling methods from the 1600s with carefully selected botanicals that are prepared to our specific requirement is the difference that makes Murray & Yeatman gins incredibly smooth.
To give you a glimpse, the oranges we use are without wax, gently zested and all the pith is removed, leaving the plump ripe flesh: all the sweetness without the bitterness.
Rum of course is a different matter, it is all in the quantity and type of molasses, the strain of yeast, the temperature, but mostly the voodoo in the Dunder Pit.
Understanding how much love and attention our Dunder Pit requires is almost unquantifiable we love our Dunder Pit so much we named her D.a.r.r.a.
Contact details
Murray & Yeatman Distilleries
H4 Swallow Enterprise Park
Diamond Drive
Lower Dicker
East Sussex BN27 4EL
T: 0330 133 0043