We set up our brewery in 2014, which is based in a 500-year-old barn on the Salle Moor Farm Estate in Norfolk. Salle Moor Farm is a working farm with a 20-acre organic orchard attached. We specialise in wild and mixed fermentations, and we have a big barrel ageing project underway.
We also try to ferment as many foods as we can for our kitchen and all our beers and ciders are made on site, apart from the occasional beer swap with like-minded local brewers.
The idea was to run a brewery as far as we possibly could based around the farm and the local environment, making truly Norfolk beers. I had noticed that hops seemed to flourish in the hedgerows of Norfolk. There’s a history of Norfolk being used as a nursery for the Kent hopyards and I already knew that Norfolk grew the best barley in the world (some of it on the farm), so it seemed to make sense to grow some Norfolk hops, combine them with Norfolk barley, use water from the deep chalk borehole on the farm, and try and do something with them all.
Oh, and we had access to a large, established organic orchard, and that seemed to be a good thing, despite the naysayers telling me you can’t mix making cider with brewing beer and that It will all go wrong. In fact it went right, and our house-mixed culture wild yeasts are derived from our barrel aged ciders, which have been blended with wild yeasts collected from the orchard and around the farm in general.
So, six years later, we have a flourishing hopyard, a large wild yeast and other fermenting microbes and fungi thing going on, a 50-barrel rotating wild/mixed fermentation barrel store, a second part of the brewery producing more conventional beers, another part doing more kettle sour sort of sour beers, another doing organic apple cider, Kombucha going on.
We produce odd, wonderful beers like Norfolk Watermelon Kombucha Sour Wheat Beer, Cucumber and Grape Gose (Norfolk Grapes) and Quince and Wormwood Sour, made with stuff we’ve grown in our polytunnels like wormwood, melons as mentioned, raspberries, blackberries, ginger, peaches, apricots – all going into our beers, all grown by us.
Then the local community has provided us with such delights as quinces, cucumbers, medlars, grapes, all sorts of lovely stuff! It’s been such good fun and there is more to come…
Contacts details
All Day Brewing Company
Salle Brewery
Salle Moor Farm
Wood Dalling Road
Norfolk NR10 4SB
T: 01603 951173
E: simon@alldaybrewing.co.uk
W: www.alldaybrewing.co.uk