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Super early bird offers end 31 August

The super early bird discounts for the 8th annual London Competitions, which recognise the best spirits, wine and beer brands in the UK, Europe and beyond, end on 31 August.

Over the last seven years the annual competitions have become established as a leading industry event, where brands and products from across the world are judged by key industry influencers.

As one of the event’s media partners, Hand Crafted Drinks Magazine has been supporting and promoting the London Competitions for several years.

We have no hesitation recommending that producers of all sizes consider entering this prestigious competition, which continues to deliver benefits for those who enter and win:

1. It helps enhance the reputation of drinks companies and their brands, with distributors, trade buyers, the media and consumers.

2. London Competitions rank brands by their value, package and quality, which encourages the trade buyer to believe in the saleability of those winning brands.

3. Every company that enters gets a detailed breakdown of the score their products achieve, by each criterion.

4. Winners can showcase their success on their bottles with official competition stickers.

5. All winners get unmatched worldwide reach via the BTN network, which includes On Trade and Drinks Merchant magazines.

We wish you all the very best if you do decide to enter the 2024 competitions.

Enter the Spirits Competition

Enter the Wine Competition

Enter the Beer Competition

Categorized: Competition, Event